Some time back I have started a tool called qyotoassemblygen [0], which will hopefully ease the generation of .NET/Mono bindings based on SMOKE libraries. It basically introspects a SMOKE library and generates a System.CodeDom tree from that information. The CodeDom can then be used to generate C# code and/or compile an assembly.
Although some parts were rather difficult and had to be rewritten again and again (like checking whether a method has to be marked “override” or “virtual”), I can now announce that it”s quite stable and generates all of the Qt assemblies just fine :). I”m currently working on getting the KDE assemblies to build, which is really just a matter of sorting out *Private classes.
By using plugins the tool is not bound to Qt-based bindings, so we could as well generate assemblies for other toolkits, like Wt (for which there is already a smoke lib, thanks to Richard :)). Plugins will also make it easy to add syntactic sugar like event support for Qyoto (which I hope I can implement for KDE SC 4.5).
If everything works as expected, we can hopefully drop kalyptus completely in the next release and reduce our maintenance cost considerably 🙂